my bad temper
9:38 AM l Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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I always say/do something that I acutally didnt intend to do.
I just say out something withtout enough thoughts, consideration then I will regret.
sometimes, I make people hurt and angry..
I dunno why this happens more than I expect.
I think I must be careful with my words and behaviours.
I got bad temper.
This is the worst thing I am facing right now.
I am still trying but it just happens even before I think.
I must think twice before I say or do something.
I dun wanna make people who I love hurt or angry.
I feel that I am still a kid.
I thought I am becoming an adult. A real grown ups who can think others first and really behave like a very mature person.
I still want to rely on parents and friends when I am lost.
how come cant I stand up by myself?
I will try harder to be an adult.
Not one just acting but a real one.